draw binary tree jupyter notebook

I have attempted to display binary tree naturally with matplotlib. My tree has form of like this.

          {'root': [{'left1': [{'left1_2': ['res1', 'res2']}, 'res1']},       {'right1': [{'left_2': ['res1', 'res2']}, 'res2']}]}                  

As you can see, the tree is something like nested dictionary that has list as a value for each key. And the first element of list has to be locateded at left and the second element of list has to be located at right from parent node. That is, I want the tree to be displayed like this.

enter image description here

My code as follows.

Define Node class.

          class Node:     def __init__(self,text='',x=None,y=None,isRoot=False,parentNode=None,                  leftNode=None,rightNode=None,textBox=None,boxWidth=None,                  ):         self.x = x         self.y = y         self.text = text         self.IsRoot = isRoot         self.parentNode = parentNode         self.leftNode = leftNode         self.rightNode = rightNode         self.textBox = textBox         self.boxWidth = boxWidth         self.isTerminal=False      def getParentNode(self):         return self.parentNode     def setParentNode(self,parentNode):         self.parentNode = parentNode      def getIsTerminal(self):         return self.isTerminal     def setIsTerminal(self, isTerminal):         self.isTerminal = isTerminal         return       def getLeftNode(self):         return self.leftNode     def setLeftNode(self, leftNode):         self.leftNode = leftNode      def getRightNode(self):         return self.rightNode     def setRightNode(self, rightNode):         self.rightNode = rightNode      def getText(self):         return self.text     def setText(self,text):         self.text = text      def getX(self):         return self.x     def setX(self,x):         self.x = x      def getY(self):         return self.y     def setY(self,y):         self.y = y      def __str__(self):         return f'{self.x}, {self.y}, {self.text}'      def __repr__(self):         return f'TreeNode({self.x}, {self.y}, {self.text})'                  

Define Tree class.

          class Tree:     def __init__(self):         import numpy as np         self.depth = 0         self.width = 1         self.height = 1         self.verticalSpace = 0.5         self.xMax = -np.infty         self.xMin = np.infty         self.yMax = -np.infty         self.yMin = np.infty      def createNode(self,text='',x=None,y=None,isRoot=False,                    parentNode=None,leftNode=None,rightNode=None, isTerminal=False):         return Node(text,x,y,isRoot,parentNode,leftNode,rightNode,isTerminal)      def addNode(self,node=None,isLeft=True,text='',x=None,y=None,                 isRoot=False,parentNode=None,isTerminal=False):         if x+self.width+2 > self.xMax:             self.setXMax(x+self.width)         if x-self.width < self.xMin:             self.setXMin(x-self.width)         if y > self.yMax:             self.setYMax(y)         if y-self.height-self.verticalSpace < self.yMin:             self.setYMin(y-self.height)          if node is None:             return self.createNode(text,x,y,isRoot=True)         assert isinstance(node,Node)         if isLeft:             node.leftNode = self.createNode(text,x,y,parentNode=node,isTerminal=isTerminal)             return node.leftNode         else:             node.rightNode = self.createNode(text,x,y,parentNode=node,isTerminal=isTerminal)             return node.rightNode      def getXMax(self):         return self.xMax     def setXMax(self,xMax):         self.xMax = xMax         return     def getXMin(self):         return self.xMin     def setXMin(self,xMin):         self.xMin = xMin         return      def getYMax(self):         return self.yMax     def setYMax(self,yMax):         self.yMax = yMax         return     def getYMin(self):         return self.yMin     def setYMin(self,yMin):         self.yMin = yMin         return                  

Define "building_tree_node" function which generate decsendant node from the predifined root node.

          def building_tree_node(tree, node, counter=0):     box_x = 2     counter += 1     for key, value in tree.items():         node.setText(key)         if contain_dict(value):             if isinstance(value[0], dict):                 left_node = TREE.addNode(node=node,x=-box_x*counter,y=-1*counter,                                          isLeft=True,text=list(value[0].keys())[0])                 building_tree_node(tree=value[0], node=left_node, counter=counter)                 if isinstance(value[1], dict):                     right_node = TREE.addNode(node=node,x=box_x*counter,y=-1*counter,                                              isLeft=False,text=list(value[1].keys())[0])                     building_tree_node(tree=value[1], node=right_node, counter=counter)                 else:                     temp = TREE.addNode(node=node,x= box_x*counter,y=-1*counter,                                          isLeft=False,text=value[1])                     temp.setIsTerminal(True)              if isinstance(value[1], dict):                 right_node = TREE.addNode(node=node,x=box_x*counter,y=-1*counter,                                          isLeft=False,text=list(value[1].keys())[0])                 building_tree_node(tree=value[1], node=right_node, counter=counter)                 temp = TREE.addNode(node=node,x=-box_x*counter,y=-1*counter,                                          isLeft=True,text=value[0])                 temp.setIsTerminal(True)         else:             temp = TREE.addNode(node=node,x=-box_x*counter,y=-1*counter,                                          isLeft=True,text=value[0])             temp.setIsTerminal(True)             temp = TREE.addNode(node=node,x= box_x*counter,y=-1*counter,                                          isLeft=False,text=value[1])             temp.setIsTerminal(True)      final_tree = TREE     final_root = node      return final_tree, final_root                  

Helper function

          def contain_dict(l):     res = False     for v in l:         if isinstance(v, dict):             res = True     return res                  

Generate tree and TREE class and root Node.

          tree = dict() left1 = dict() right1 = dict() left1['left1'] = [{'left1_2':['res1','res2']},'res1'] right1['right1'] = [{'left2_2':['res1','res2']},'res2'] tree['root'] = [left1, right1]  TREE = Tree() root = TREE.addNode(x=0,y=0,text='root')                  

Define function which draws a tree.

          import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ft, fr = building_tree_node(tree,root) ## final_tree, root node has all decsendants  fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer() ax = fig.add_subplot()  ax.set_xlim(ft.getXMin(),ft.getXMax()) ax.set_ylim(ft.getYMin(),ft.getYMax()+1) width = ft.width height = ft.height  def drawNode(node):     if node is not None:         if node.getIsTerminal():             bbox=dict(boxstyle='square',fc='green')         else:             bbox=dict(boxstyle='square',fc='yellow')         text_box = ax.text(node.getX(),node.getY(),node.getText(),bbox=bbox,fontsize=15,ha='center',va='center')           node.textBox = text_box         if node.parentNode is not None:             parentTextBox = node.parentNode.textBox             pbb = parentTextBox.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer).inverse_transformed(ax.transData)             currentTextBox = node.textBox             cbb = currentTextBox.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer).inverse_transformed(ax.transData)             ax.plot((node.parentNode.x, node.x), (node.parentNode.y-pbb.height*0.7, node.y),color='k')         drawNode(node.leftNode)         drawNode(node.rightNode)                  

When I run my code as follows:


I have the result as below: enter image description here

As you can see, right child was displayed appropriatly(of coure, not perfect location).
But left child did not split properly. Obviously, I think the problem is in "building_tree_node" function.

However, I had no idea because I was not familar with recursive coding. I want to know that the first left child of the tree is splited properly. My gratitude goes to any comment and idea. Additionally, I want to know about an algorithm for displaying binary tree naturally. Thank you for watching this.


Source: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65255664/drawing-binary-tree-with-matplotlib

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